Showing 3 Result(s)

Visualizing Promo Redemptions

I’ve been working with a local produce box delivery company doing various design and back end store management services. For the storefront we use a wonderful service called Barn2Door which specifically serves farms and similar businesses. They’re still new to the game, which means they’re constantly working to improve their product and service for both …

WDW Trivia App

Problem and Project Objective I’ve always been a fan of Disney trivia, and more specifically, I’ve loved the Walt Disney World trivia books that Lou Mongello put out a number of years ago. (In fact, I even met Lou at a gathering a while back and asked him to autograph one of our copies, but …

Go Mouse Scouts Mobile App

Project Objective  Design an app to accommodate those who want to pick out the educational aspects of the Walt Disney World, whether homeschoolers or pulling their kids out of school to visit the parks. The app needs to be easy to navigate and help facilitate the learning process with comprehension as well as have physical …